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  /  Stories (Page 4)

We are super excited to tell you that Odyssea (from more than 1,100 applications applicants from EU and the only Greek entry!), is the runner-up and won EUR 20,000 and a communication package in the category “Prioritising the places and people that need it the most“ in the prestigious New European Bauhaus Prizes: https://bit.ly/3OamMli Commissioners Gabriel and

Médecins du Monde Greece announced the launch of its collaboration with Odyssea, in the framework of the implementation of actions to strengthen the social integration of vulnerable social groups. The aim of these actions is to support the beneficiaries of Médecins du Monde in accessing the job market, through an integrated system of referrals to Odyssea's educational programs. In

We are delighted to announce that Odyssea has been selected as one of the 52 finalists for the New European Bauhaus (NEB) Prizes 2022, and we are progressing to the next stage! Odyssea is the only Greek participant. Odyssea was chosen out of over 1100 applications, following an evaluation by independent experts.  Our efforts have been recognized due to their quality, contribution