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AI Essentials: Harnessing Intelligent Tools (Thessaloniki)

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AI Essentials: Harnessing Intelligent Tools (Thessaloniki)


About this course

Register for a free AI Essentials: Harnessing Intelligent Tools course in Thessaloniki!


The training for “AI Essentiaks” is designed to aware participants how to leverage AI tools effectively in their daily work. It aims to provide participants with a foundational understanding of AI concepts and practical insights into how intelligent tools can be integrated into their workflows to enhance productivity and innovation.


Language of Instruction: Greek / English

Program Duration: 9 hours

Class Duration: 3 hours


Educational content

  • Understanding the basics of AI and machine learning 
  • Data science with the help of AI
  • AI application across different sectors
  • AI tools and platforms 
  • Natural language processing  applications, challenges, tools (use of NLP)
  • Computer vision
  • Chatbots and virtual assistants 
  • Ethics and best practices in AI 
  • Integration of AI into Business Processes 
  • Trends and Opportunities
  • Future of work in an AI-driven environment