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Odyssea at the Changemaker Summit 2024 of Ashoka!

We recently participated in the Changemaker Summit 2024 of Ashoka in Hamburg. This global gathering brought together 450+ leaders, innovators, and changemakers in various sectors dedicated to creating positive social impact.

It was an experience full of energy and inspiration, and we are proud to have been part of it. The connections and conversations we had there confirmed to us how important it is to empower young people to drive positive social and environmental change.

One of the most special moments was our participation in a reverse mentoring session with Schneider Electric’s Head of Corporate Social Responsibility and Senior Vice President. We also participated in panels focused on youth empowerment and innovation. The key takeaway? We need to genuinely empower young people—trust them, give them decision-making power, and recognize the business value they bring.

All these discussions resonated deeply with the work we do at Odyssea. Through vocational training, technology, and employability opportunities, we are committed to helping young people thrive in a rapidly evolving world. Our participation in international events like the Ashoka’s Changemaker Summit reinforces our commitment to this mission and allows us to collaborate with like-minded organizations to create a lasting, positive impact.

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