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  /  Academy   /  Odyssea achieves 40% beneficiary employment rate
Laser Cutter, Makerspace, Astrolab

Odyssea achieves 40% beneficiary employment rate

Back in 2018, when we were successfully completing our first cycle of courses, we succeeded to job match 18% of our beneficiaries. Fast forward to 2020, Odyssea has successfully trained 250+ beneficiaries, 40% of which have managed to access the labor market through a job interview request.

Our team works intensively on the identification of beneficiaries from diverse vulnerable groups (50% refugees and migrants, 50% vulnerable Greeks) with skill-sets and talents that could be evolved further through our training courses.

We are designing, executing and optimizing skill assessments questionnaires that can map, both soft and hard skill information to best outline a person’s profile. These assessments help us guide people through the best training solutions that can lead each of them to more suitable and successful livelihood decisions.

Similar process is followed for the identification of companies mapping the problems they face, their existing jobs and job openings, their needs, their relationship with the local community and international markets.

Our team performs data analysis for the design of training courses that are both relevant to the market, Odyssea’s staff expertise and Odyssea’s equipment.

After the completion of a course, our livelihood teams is working on creating routines where we can best match our trained beneficiaries with existing job openings in our collaborative companies while helping them develop soft skills that raise their communication abilities to best represent themselves to their possible employers.

Apart from the courses that reply to the market needs, Odyssea offers a new approach to technological tools through educational courses and workshops that aim to reinforce creativity and support experimentation that drives innovation and prepares people for the future market disruptions.

Back in 2018, we had strengthen the provision to access to the innovative technological equipment of our Lab to Greek university students, by creating common university courses for the National Technical University of Athens. Students from its Architecture engineering program were able to further train and prototype using the equipment and our expertise free of charge in courses such as: 2D/3D Design, Cad/Cam Operation, Fashion Design, Agriculture, Programming and Woodworking.