Νίκος Ανδρεόπουλος
Development Manager
Nikos Andreopoulos is a hybrid activist / professional on the field of Mental Health. He has been active in the field of social protection since 2010 with an emphasis on the field of Mental Health since 2014. Previous career in the private and public sector, personal mental health experiences, special interest in art and culture and active attitude towards current social conditions have been important tools for a lasting understanding of the field of Mental Health and development or participation in related initiatives. The oversight positions of the relevant actions in which he participated as the inspirer and head of the by case implementation teams (Projects‘ Developer / Manager, Secretary General of ENALMH) have contributed significantly to the understanding of the importance of communication, wider networking / synergies, and the necessity of a systemic approach to the field of Mental Health. He currently holds the position of the EU Development manager at Odyssea.